Patience - To Accept 

Patience is often defined as to wait. When we are talking about patience with others and children, it is really about accepting them for where they are or how they feel. This includes yourself!

Being able to accept when your child is in a completely normal bad mood, or that one bad decision doesn't make a bad person, well help you know how to handle them better. This will also allow you to respond in a better way to those emotions.

Especially with your children.

Accept that they have bad days too, just like us. Their feelings are just as strong and difficult to control as ours are. It is our job as parents to help guide them to cope with those strong feelings and get to the root of the problem.

Which honestly, is generally tired, hungry, or feeling unappreciated.

Sound familiar?

The capacity to accept, without getting angry or upset.

Overview: Patience can be a very difficult thing in a society where it seems like the world moves so quickly. Often trying to have a little patience can feel like you might be missing out on something else. Learning to practice patience, or accepting what is going on, whether it be a delay or an annoyance, can greatly help in reducing stress levels and small fits of anxiety in many cases. It is common to assume the worst will happen when something unexpected comes up, but to lose your temper and control may not be the best way to deal with it. The practice of patience can help you maintain a more even temper as you gather information about what is going on to make better decisions of how to handle it.

So much in the world can be super exciting! It is easy to get overwhelmed sometimes with so many interesting things to do and look at. Trying to do to much at once will take away your best and the best of each experience. It can save you so much trouble, and make things so much easier, if you practice patience in ways like waiting until someone is done talking to speak, not letting annoyance get the best of you when someone is talking to you, or not letting time delays ruin your mood in a way that is hard to come back from. Having patience with people will help you to understand them, and where they are coming from. Having patience in the world can help you stay safe, and worry less.

Parents: If there is one thing becoming a parent will force you to learn, it is having better practices of patience! Learning to stop and take a deep breath when we feel annoyed or frustrated, even finding a few moments to ourselves can help us stay even tempered as we deal with what is going on around us. The world seems to move fast enough as it is! Now we have these young ones that our attention must be directed to so much of the time as well. It can feel very overwhelming at times when so many things are going on at once. Learning to practice patience to handle one thing at a time and setting that as the standard will not only help you worry less, but will also set an example for your kids of how to handle being overwhelmed like that. Over time that practice can take a lot of stress off you, as well as helping you be more productive, and not only being an example of patience to your kids, but also meaning they have to practice a little patience too. It is important for our young ones, though very difficult for them, to learn to wait. So giving them ideas of things they can do while they wait to help pass the time can help to instill them with tools to help them cope with the stresses of a busy world better.

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