Explaining Discipline Is Easier Than You Think

Explaining discipline to children can be tough.


Check out this live video on the subject of discipline for more.

Discipline - Always Do YOUR Best

For kids, keep the concept simple and easy to understand. By simply helping them see that discipline is to always do your best.

Whether its doing your best at something or doing your best at following the rules.

 Discipline is like a graph chart. It never progresses straight forward. Losing patience over your child's backslide WILL cause more harm than good.

Would you like to know more?

Overview: Discipline, more precisely self-discipline, means to “always do your best.” It is the key to achieving your goals and doing well in life. Discipline is the key to building self-esteem. When you do your best, you feel great. Self-esteem is the direct result of learning, practicing and applying discipline to everything you do. In order to have great self-discipline, you must do things with focus, efficiency and without having to be told. This includes not putting things off we know would be best done now. One of the reasons discipline can help you feel better is due to being more productive with our time. The more productive we feel the more feel good hormones that are released into our brain.

Always doing your best is way cool because you feel great when you do. When you feel great about yourself that is called self-esteem. Whether you are doing your homework, cleaning your room, brushing your teeth, being kind to your brothers and sisters, respecting your parents, or eating ice cream on a hot summer day, you should always do your best. Even if it is not fun or to your liking, if you always do your best, you will feel great and do a better job. In order to do your best, you have to be able to do it with focus, do it fast and do it without having to be told. If you can do all of these things, you’ll have the most awesome discipline.

Parent: Discipline is a key life-skill to having a quality life. If you teach it to your children, it will help develop their self-esteem. They will always feel great about themselves when they do their best. Please understand no one is born with discipline. Only through the practice of doing one’s best, does it become a habit. Always encourage and guide your children to do so, no matter how challenging things may be. There is a big difference between disciplining your children and teaching them self-discipline. Most would agree, that when asked what discipline means, they associate it with being punished, such as disciplinary action. Self-discipline can only be learned when a child does their best without having to be told. Praise them when they do so and reward then accordingly. When they don’t do their best, offer them constructive criticism and make sure there are consequences in place as a result of their actions and choices. Discipline is a valuable life-skill because it teaches your child that in order to achieve their goals they must always do their best.

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